Building a Healthy Parasympathetic Response
The Vagus nerve runs from the brain to the stomach and branches out to all major organs. It is instrumental in activating the Sympathetic Response system (Fight, Flight or Freeze) and the Parasympathetic Response system, the body’s calming system.
The Parasympathetic Response is the process that creates calm in the body and helps with emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression and muscle tension. Research shows that the ability to have a calm body improves immune system functioning and general health.
Diaphragmatic breathing (Belly Breathing) and Muscle Relaxation are the building blocks of a healthy Parasympathetic Response System.
1. Belly breathing Daily practice for at least 30 seconds at a time, several times per day!
2. Yoga Nidra or Non Sleep Deep Relaxation Protocol (NSDR) or Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Choose One! Minimum 10 minutes daily
The Vagus nerve runs from the brain to the stomach and branches out to all major organs. It is instrumental in activating the Sympathetic Response system (Fight, Flight or Freeze) and the Parasympathetic Response system, the body’s calming system.
The Parasympathetic Response is the process that creates calm in the body and helps with emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depression and muscle tension. Research shows that the ability to have a calm body improves immune system functioning and general health.
Diaphragmatic breathing (Belly Breathing) and Muscle Relaxation are the building blocks of a healthy Parasympathetic Response System.
- Read an article on Vagus nerve: https://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/vagus-nerve
- See the video below for a demonstration of the Vagus Nerve
1. Belly breathing Daily practice for at least 30 seconds at a time, several times per day!
- Blog explanation on my website including tutorial: https://www.connectscounseling.com/blog/belly-breathing-or-diaphragmatic-breathing
- Video explanation of belly breathing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysYO69Oxdhc
2. Yoga Nidra or Non Sleep Deep Relaxation Protocol (NSDR) or Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Choose One! Minimum 10 minutes daily
- Huberman NSDR 10 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKGrmY8OSHM
- RosalieYoga Nidra 10 minutes:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35u6yOAUjnM
- Insight Timer App: free, many different ones, search for Nidra: https://insighttimer.com
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation, blog and video on my website: https://www.connectscounseling.com/blog/reminder-to-practice
APPS For Mood Tracking, Mental Health and Sleep
For Mood Tracking:
• IMood Journal –Costs $2.99 Tracks moods, symptoms, medications, sleep, offers reminders, provides a
chart, shareable. https://www.imoodjournal.com https://www.imoodjournal.com/#home
• DailyO –Free, or low cost for premium version. Tracks moods easily with emoticons, diary, bullet journal, reminders,
• Clue-for tracking periods and moods- https://helloclue.com
• How We Feel - Mood tracker and help with understanding emotions. https://howwefeel.org/
For Mental Health:
• CrazyBusy - for the busy mind, ADHD, anxiety, learn how to manage thoughts and behaviors, games, gratitude tracking, meditation. Created by Dr. Ed Hallowell, for iPhone. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/crazybusy-tips/id522520902
• Unwinding Anxiety – Some free content but then costs a nominal fee. Courses and coaching on how to manage anxiety, mood tracking, guided meditations. Created by Jud Brewer. https://unwindinganxiety.com/
• MindShift- Free, Provides specific CBT training and suggestions for dealing with anxiety, education, journal and community forum. https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/
• The Alcohol Experiment by This Naked Mind-30 day free program to reduce alcohol intake. Includes community, expert, courses. https://thisnakedmind.com/
Breathing, Meditation, Relaxation:
• Smiling Mind- Free, short meditations with simple visual. Emotional tracking. Includes meditations for children. https://www.smilingmind.com.au/thrive-inside
• Insight Timer-–Hundreds of free guided meditations, courses, talks. https://insighttimer.com/
• Breethe -guided meditations, music, ; also has a community. https://breethe.com/
• 10 Percent Happier- $99.00 annual subscription, by Dan Harris- courses, meditations, community, access to experts, podcast (podcast is free and includes free meditations! ) https://www.tenpercent.com/
•Sleep Cove by Chris Fitton. Meditations for sleep created and read by author. https://www.sleepcove.com
• Nothing Much Happens by Kathryn Nicolai. The author tells a story and then repeats it more slowly in a soothing voice, helping you drift into sleep. https://www.nothingmuchhappens.com
• Hay House Meditations. Tons of free content for sleep or relaxation. https://www.hayhouse.com/shop/free-contents
• Sleep with Me Podcast by Drew Ackerman. He describes a TV episode or story in a rambling, humorous way that promotes sleep. http://www.sleepwithmepodcast.com
• Better Sleep- Free, tracks sleep, includes music, sounds and stories. https://www.bettersleep.com/
• CBTI-Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia. Created by the Department of Veterans Affairs, this app helps you learn how to quiet a racing mind and use various strategies to improve sleep. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cbt-i-coach/id655918660
• IMood Journal –Costs $2.99 Tracks moods, symptoms, medications, sleep, offers reminders, provides a
chart, shareable. https://www.imoodjournal.com https://www.imoodjournal.com/#home
• DailyO –Free, or low cost for premium version. Tracks moods easily with emoticons, diary, bullet journal, reminders,
• Clue-for tracking periods and moods- https://helloclue.com
• How We Feel - Mood tracker and help with understanding emotions. https://howwefeel.org/
For Mental Health:
• CrazyBusy - for the busy mind, ADHD, anxiety, learn how to manage thoughts and behaviors, games, gratitude tracking, meditation. Created by Dr. Ed Hallowell, for iPhone. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/crazybusy-tips/id522520902
• Unwinding Anxiety – Some free content but then costs a nominal fee. Courses and coaching on how to manage anxiety, mood tracking, guided meditations. Created by Jud Brewer. https://unwindinganxiety.com/
• MindShift- Free, Provides specific CBT training and suggestions for dealing with anxiety, education, journal and community forum. https://www.anxietycanada.com/resources/mindshift-cbt/
• The Alcohol Experiment by This Naked Mind-30 day free program to reduce alcohol intake. Includes community, expert, courses. https://thisnakedmind.com/
Breathing, Meditation, Relaxation:
• Smiling Mind- Free, short meditations with simple visual. Emotional tracking. Includes meditations for children. https://www.smilingmind.com.au/thrive-inside
• Insight Timer-–Hundreds of free guided meditations, courses, talks. https://insighttimer.com/
• Breethe -guided meditations, music, ; also has a community. https://breethe.com/
• 10 Percent Happier- $99.00 annual subscription, by Dan Harris- courses, meditations, community, access to experts, podcast (podcast is free and includes free meditations! ) https://www.tenpercent.com/
•Sleep Cove by Chris Fitton. Meditations for sleep created and read by author. https://www.sleepcove.com
• Nothing Much Happens by Kathryn Nicolai. The author tells a story and then repeats it more slowly in a soothing voice, helping you drift into sleep. https://www.nothingmuchhappens.com
• Hay House Meditations. Tons of free content for sleep or relaxation. https://www.hayhouse.com/shop/free-contents
• Sleep with Me Podcast by Drew Ackerman. He describes a TV episode or story in a rambling, humorous way that promotes sleep. http://www.sleepwithmepodcast.com
• Better Sleep- Free, tracks sleep, includes music, sounds and stories. https://www.bettersleep.com/
• CBTI-Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia. Created by the Department of Veterans Affairs, this app helps you learn how to quiet a racing mind and use various strategies to improve sleep. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cbt-i-coach/id655918660
Demonstration of the Vagus Nerve
4 Square Breathing:
Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Great video (below) Dan Siegel describes what happens when you FLIP YOUR LID!
This very short video by The Gottman Institute describes 4 behaviors that can destroy a marriage and gives you advice on what to do instead!